Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Faith :

“Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods” - C.S. Lewis

Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”

“As we grow older, it becomes difficult to just believe. It's not that we don't want to, but too much has happened that we just can't.”

After going through various emotions which somewhere create turbulence within, the stillness in the waters of emotions start with Faith. The moment we hear the word, we visualize sereneness with the strength of a rock with gentle breeze flowing, or the same rock in rushing gurgling waters holding itself against the stream. That is faith. Not in the stone but in behaving like one while there is turbulence in life. After all that is one rope that swings us through life when all the bridges have burnt down.

The irony with faith is that while the dark shades need to be half of what they are in a particular moment, Faith needs to be double of what it is during such times. A person who has never loved, or a person you have never lost are still ok to come across, but a person who has never had faith misses out so much in the life of being human. They actually miss out on the magic of moving mountains.

There is also a big difference between trust and faith. Trust is knowing that it won’t go away when you already have it, while faith is knowing it will eventually come, when you don’t even have it. When a child waits for his father to turn up on time in evening back from office, it’s his trust & when someone waits for the person whom they love a lot to come back in their life, it’s their Faith. While we place trust on other people in our life, we need to have faith in ourselves, within.

 Also, there is no space for doubt, when we have faith. Not even for a second. Because it is never known that universe is addressing which emotion of ours to manifest. Hence even if there is doubt for an inkling of a second, then faith is gone, lost, broken. Moreover faith doesn’t make the absolutely impossible possible , but it helps you to learn how to cope up with it, accept it eventually, in a more positive manner. 

Our forms to reinforce faith maybe many. A visit to a shrine, waiting for an omen or signs , lucky colors are some forms of our physical representation of faith. Though discarded as superstitions, if not gone over board, these physical actions help a lot to establish and reestablish faith. If you believe and believe completely, if you don’t even imagine any other option, except to go ahead, the waters will eventually part and you will reach.  

After all, faith is not a destination; it’s a lovely companion for a testing journey to a beautiful destination.


Anonymous said...

You r the source to our thoughts its so true n clean, whn I take out
Time for myself sit alone I thnk of all ths thngs but nvr had words to
Discrib my feelings its true wot u write n somewhr ur words make me realize wot we r looking 4 in our life. Hope u can write with all ur
Heart. The best thng to read it n feel it. It was really wonderful. Tc bye

Rama said...

I differ a bit here..I think faith is not about a person coming back..its knowing that life will be good even without him and new people will re-fill. I personally do not believe there is anything like comeback. The comeback will not be of same person or relationship the same way..Faith is knowing it and still know that if not him then someone else...

cK said...

Exactly Rama , thats why i also said "Moreover faith doesn’t make the absolutely impossible possible , but it helps you to learn how to cope up with it, accept it eventually, in a more positive manner. "

Not every person who walks out deserves a dead relation.. some are meant to come back.. n we need to wait.. but without communication its only Faith that keeps things alive.. !!!