Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. - Khalil Gibran
They who go Feel not the pain of parting; it is they Who stay behind that suffer. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.- James A. Baldwin
Somewhere while walking on the path of Having Faith, we sometimes tend to loose patience, hope or infact faith itself. The reasons may be various, internal or even external. But they moment the Faith is lost, specially when we are waiting for someone or something a sensation runs across our soul and sends a shiver down our spine. And that is the moment when pain stings you. Physical pain can be dealt with; the body itself takes care of it. It is all the non –physical kinds of pain that we as humans have to deal with our conscious mind and cringing heart.
The cry of a spouse when it finally sinks that the other half has left forever to never come back, The lost eyes of a person who has missed out the opportunity which would have been turnaround in life, never getting one more chance when you would have made things correct, wanting to be with someone and still being left alone, Not being able to be as happy as you want to be, and few other such instances make us go through a feeling of helplessness. And somewhere that helplessness grows into pain. Because no matter how much we want to share it , we cannot. Either because the person with whom we can, is no longer there, or the people who are there around us, will never be able to experience the intensity of it.
But is pain always looked down upon in a negative sense? Why are we also taught, conditioned to either not accept the presence of emotional pain, or incase if its obviously visible to others then we are supposed to conceal it. Why crying is not allowed when we are sad? Why has the society built up a mould where the presence of pain is a sign of weak human being ? Instead, isn’t it the one who can handle pain and still tries to come out of it more stronger, than one who has never encountered pain?
Physical or non physical, we encounter pain quite later, after we are actually wounded, bruised, hurt, or Loss. If we actually take away all the feelings, I am pretty much sure the only feeling that would be left behind will be Pain. Isn’t it also that when we are in Pain we are actually unable to feel any other emotion? And what would be remaining if we cannot feel pain? I guess we will never be able to feel happiness either then. Hence its anyday better to have lost and hurt than to never be able to smile!!
How do we deal with this not at all wanted and yet inevitable emotion? The only to get out of pain is to go through the pain. There is no shortcut or substitute for it. Though it’s a poison, it’s a cure to many other ailments. Anything else that we may approach instead of confronting this will be temporary, transient and will not heal it completely. At the same time while engulfed in pain it is equally important to atleast have one hand stretched out for people around us to pull us out, just incase pain may become deathly. Because the start of pain is somewhere the end of our understanding, End of circumstances, feelings, things under our control. Everyone of us has our own way to deal with it, face it, confront it. We may device our own ways of living with it, but we need to make space for other feelings too, either by reducing this emotion itself or increasing our capacity to feel more about things and people around us. After all pain is temporary too. Eventually it will reduce something else will take its place.
And the scars it may leave behind, well those will be your beautiful scars, the sign that you had loved, been happy and above all Lived. !!
Very true.. Thought provoking one.
"Because the start of pain is somewhere the end of our understanding, End of circumstances, feelings, things under our control..."
"After all pain is temporary too. Eventually it will reduce something else will take its place."
Couldn't agree more with the above lines...
Loved it.
Pain is temporary, ya I agree but some people carry it for life time and in some cases they have to.
_Pankaj Bhimani
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